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Mediation has countless benefits that parties cannot get by going to court. It allows the parties to work together on a solution rather than have a Judge–who does not know the parties, render a decision. The average family court Judge in Clark County, Nevada has approximately 600 active cases at any given time. With that case load, it is unreasonable to expect a Judge to intimately know the parties or give their case the proper time and attention. This is where mediation becomes valuable. The parties know their case and all their issues. There is no one better to craft solutions that work for the parties than the parties themselves.
Address: 6230 W. Desert Inn Rd,
Las Vegas, NV 89146
Phone: 702-565-4335
Business Hours:
Mon – Thurs: 8AM – 5:30PM
Fri: 8AM – 2PM
Sat – Sun: Closed